As a biohazard cleanup professional Bio Scene Clean Up performs blood cleanup services which also entails murder scenes, suicide and violent crime scenes. While these are the most common jobs we perform, we also provide services for hoarding cleanup, junk removal, workplace related accidents, vehicle clean up services and even meth lab or other illegal drug cleanup.
It’s understood that blood cleanup has a huge potential for exposure to infectious pathogens that can be deadly if not handled properly. What’s not considered is the fact that hoarding, drug, junk and vehicle cleanup jobs also contain many hazards that are just as severe. When cleaning drug scenes there are always chances of infection from contact with needles, explosive or deadly chemicals that could be ingested and even airborne pathogens that contain infectious bacteria from emergency vehicle cleanup jobs.
Because all incidents have a large level of uncertainty about the victims, it is imperative that extreme precautions be taken while handling the cleanup process of these jobs. If an untrained individual were to attempt to clean up a biohazard scene without following proper protocols and decontamination practices, they may be held responsible if anyone were to become ill or die as a result of the improper cleanup.
If you experience a trauma or tragedy and are uncertain about the type of cleanup that may be needed, it is always best to contact a professional cleanup company like Bio Scene Clean Up who will be able to help you determine the level of services needed.